Journalism and Media studies

I chose journalism because I want to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.
Sheldon “Sandile” Sharneck I’m doing this for you,your words continue to motivate me even though you no longer breathe the air that I breathe

Dear future husband

My thoughts scare me, so I’m here seating and crying thinking of him. Thinking of what kind of future would we have. I’ve ticked the boxes and believe that he is the one. My partner, confidante, and mentor. Am I being naive? I want to cater to his needs. I want to treat him like the King he is in my eyes. I want to make his house our home. I want to build an empire with him. I want to give him sons and daughters with this womb of mine.I want to be his ray of sunshine when things get dark. I want to be his light at the end of the tunnel. I want to make a vow to love you, honour you, and respect you. I want to tell stories with you….

What was,what is,what could have been


I smothered him with calls, SMSes, texts, retweets, IG likes, LinkedIn likes and shares

Why did I tell him that I low key like him

Hell! low key is an understatement

The last straw was making him my #MCM

Show me don’t tell me they say

I guess instead of showing I told, told until he choked

He choked on my texts and calls

Had heart palpitations because he couldn’t let me down gently

I should have waited

You see this heart has been through hell and back

Yet I found time to return a smile

I opened my eyes and opened my heart to have it thrown back in my face

I should have waited

I scared him off maybe for good who knows

But the timing isn’t right and my timing sucks

I should have waited

Waited before I confess my undying desires

I should have waited to see my dreams come to life

For I had seen and my eyes had liked

I am a sinner and should suffer the consequences of my actions

I opened my heart and look how far that got me



For a minute there, I felt my spirit leaving my body

It felt comforting in a way because I wouldn’t have to worry about anything else in the world 

For a minute there, I lost touch of reality

I felt my body floating in the air but something held me back

I was held back because for a minute there, I felt that I hadn’t achieved all that I wanted to achieve

For a minute there, I was not ready to die

I felt my spirit leaving my body and it felt so good

For a minute there, I wanted to die

I smiled because instead of being drawn back to the moment I wanted to move forward

I wanted to go to the other side

I wanted to leave everything behind

I didn’t want to turn back

That moment felt so good

Ina ethe “Give and Take”

So for the past 5 weeks I have been training a group of entrepreneurs in Joza at the Assumption Development Centre.

The training is part of my research project as a practical-led Masters in Journalism and Media Studies candidate at Rhodes University. I have chosen to use Participatory Action Research and learning as I go. Providing training in social media, media literacy and basic computer skills. 

I have been very privileged to have met this group and worked with them. I have had to drill responses out of them for most times.  

As an introverted person coming into this training was a it scary though I have gained courage through the different activities I am involved with in our department that push me outside of my comfort space. Being a Xhosa had its advantages because I was not an outsider so we managed to cross language barriers because some participants were confident enough with speaking English and expressing themselves. Yet others were confident ngokuthetha isiXhosa.

These 5 weeks allowed me an opportunity of meeting and knowing other people not in my usual surroundings being Rhodes University. For once I was not couped up in the Postgrad Lab or in the basement at the Politics department with my books and laptop. I was talking with people, going through the lesson plan,hearing their views and reflecting on the lesson.

There is a lot to learn from what happens in the media and in our societies. I guess that is why I am passionate about the relations between media and society. I am for the development of the people and giving back to society. I constantly ask myself how am I planning on giving back to the community.Whilst thinking of a conversation I once had with my mentor and former boss Mpho Moagi-Vilana so I find joy in giving to others or empowering them.

So I continue to learn as I go and take what I must in getting to the next step. I will save my thank you’s for my thesis.

The day I learned about izinyanya of print media

Ngaphu and Co.

Our field trip to the Eastern Star Museum on 11 September was spectacular. Learning about the big and heavy machines that were used to produce a newspaper in the 1800s was an adventure. Only, it happened in a small museum in Anglo African Street, Grahamstown that contained perplexing stories about the history of the print media.

The museum curator, Richard Burmeister took us through the long and complicated (only to us and not to him, apparently) process of producing a news article back in the day. He dipped a small roller into brown pain and spread it on a metal surface. After the tiresome rolling motion,Burmeister painted the alphabets tightly joined together by two objects that looked like shark teeth.

The letters had to be carefully selected noting that could end up looking like and looking like if the journalist was not extra careful. He used wooden…

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Is the young producer going to hit us with some nice tracks #Da Capo


The young producer from Limpopo just signed with one of the best record labels in Mzansi SOULISTIC MUSIC .The question on everyone’s mind is that is he going to make us dance with a new album or is he going to hit us  with some singles and touring around Mzansi and performing on concepts or clubs

da capo.jpp On the deck

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Why Zizipho Pae Made You So Uncomfortable

The DoubleX Chromosome

I’m here to rebuke Zizipho Pae who wrote a piece on her own Facebook wall breaking down the various ways in which feminist ideas do not fit with her Christian beliefs. Yes her descriptions of feminism were at times quite simplistic and other times sensationalist. But in fact the bible verses she refers to really do undermine some of the very foundations of feminism. And so faced with these two contradictory ideologies, she chooses the bible over logic and progress. And she warns us ominously, “she who has ears let her hear.”

The feminist Christian apologists did hear. And they were not impressed. But most of the attacks against Pae were empty of reason. Most were fallacy ad hominem (attacking the person and not the idea). Because the fact is that the two ideologies do contradict each other. Or as one Facebook associate put it “Feminism and Christianity are…

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I am breaking my virginity

So I have decided to finally go ahead and do it,everyone is doing it.

Believe me I am nervous, scared,and excited all at the time same.

I have wanted to break my virginity since 1st year and this year a couple years down the line.

I am doing my Masters now surely people will understand that I have waited for so long and finally my time has come.

Whereas I had cold feet thinking of breaking it next year rather.

I am breaking my virginity!

I had to wrestle with the idea a bit but my partner in crime has just made things a whole lot easier for me.

We will do a practice run to prepare for the big day.

We have already chosen a date being July the 2nd and there is no turning back.

Thanks in advance to my partner in crime, can’t wait to be with you at the Monument. #NAF2015
